What does the project produce?

The PLACES-3T project aims at:

  • reflecting upon, studying, valorising, sustaining, …collaborative “laces-3T places that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation through support spaces, outside of institutional structures, where people may create new kinds of work ecosystems;
  • imagining business models applicable to such places, with enough flexibility and sustainability, where everyone can contribute without constraints on resources, but in a supportive way;
  • compiling and defining the key elements that support these implementations with reasonable chances of success;
  • putting in place models, processes, tools to accompany the creators of PLACES-3T places throughout their life cycle, their evolution, their survival, in a continuous way.

reflecting upon, studying, valorising, sustaining, …collaborative “Places-3T places that enable social, cultural and entrepreneurial innovation through support spaces, outside of institutional structures, where people may create new kinds of work ecosystems;
imagining business models applicable to such places, with enough flexibility and sustainability, where everyone can contribute without constraints on resources, but in a supportive way;
compiling and defining the key elements that support these implementations with reasonable chances of success;
putting in place models, processes, tools to accompany the creators of PLACES-3T places throughout their life cycle, their evolution, their survival, in a continuous way.

The question here is not to promote a typical model, but to support different groups of actors in starting their own project with “tooling pieces” that ensure a possible positive evolution, with other references and examples, with the possibility to tie networks, and find inspiration.
The project does not intend to train specialized consultants, but to give the means and opportunities to the collective groups to invent their own modes of functioning, relying on their own aspirations, to create their own univers(es) and embark on the journeys thay will have chosen for themselves.

2 Replies to “What does the project produce?”

  1. bonjour
    Je suis président d’une association en Bretagne (France) qui promeut un “territoire apprenant sur le pays de Vannes”. Dans la perspective d’une réponse à appel à projet concernant la place et rôle des tiers lieux dans un territoire apprenant, je suis très intéressé par la démarche que vous portez. La notion de PLACES-3T et ses capacités a créer du lien entre structures tiers lieux, ainsi que celle de miniCOOL. Un contact avec vous m’aiderait à m’inspirer pour une réponse pertinente et innovante
    mails : pers. bienvenustave@gmail.com projet territoire-apprenant.bzh tel +33 611077781

    1. Cher Monsieur Bienvenu, merci beaucoup pour votre message. Nous sommes très intéressés pour échanger avec vous sur ces sujets, nous vous avons répondu par mail, si vous ne voyez pas ce mail, il est peut-être arrivé dans vos spams.

      Bonne journée !

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