Five Rules for Success

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s 5 Rules for Success

Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals his 5 secret steps to tackling life and becoming Mr. Universe (at the age of 20), 7-time Mr. Olympia, Hollywood legend and 2-term Governor of California. His story proves that no obstacle is too big to overcome and no vision, too big to achieve;
1. Find your Vision and Follow it
2. Never ever think small, think big
3. Ignore the Naysayyers
4. Work your ass off
5. Don’t just take, give something back (…and change the world)


Learning outcomes / audience

A framework of rules to get things done:
1) Have a clear vision
2) Aim for the best
3) Ignore the haters
4) Go all the way in, become the best
5) Share with others


Arnold Schwarzenegger

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Start with why

Simon Sinek explains there’s a pattern about why Apple is so innovative, why Martin Luther King was so inspiring (‘It was: ‘’I have a dream!’’ Not I have a plan’): All great companies and leaders think, act and communicate in the same way. It’s called the Golden Circle. It’s all about why? How ? What? When people believe in what you do, you will be successful. Why? How? What ? Please Watch !


Link to MiniCOOLs

Best things in life are at the other side of fear


Simon Sinek / TED Talk

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Why startups succeed?

This video explores the reasons behind start-up failure or success. The speaker postulates that the main factors that determine success are: the idea, the team, the business model, the funding and the timing. The most influential of these factors being the timing [42%] and the team [32%].


Learning outcomes / audience

The idea is not the most important thing, it’s the execution which is the most important. This also applies to developing and executing places-3t / (young) entrepreneurs


The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed | Bill Gross – YouTube

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Six life lessons from Steve Jobs

The 6 Life Lessons in this Video:
1.Choose the Life you want to live
2.Certificates don’t matter
3.Dream Big
4.Start Somewhere
5.Live every day like it’s your last
6.You only fail when you stop trying


Learning outcomes / audience

You have to start, to learn and develop / (Young) entrepreneurs


Steve Jobs / Proactive Thinking

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Wellbeing inspires welldoing


Research report

Learning outcomes / audience


Jeff Severns Guntzel, TerraLuna Collaborative and Nora F. Murphy Johnson, Inspire to Change

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Build your personal brand

  1. Creating a personal brand
  2. Define how we want to be seen and required
    as professionals
  3. Work on authenticity and sincerity
  4. Understand the importance of personal


Learning outcomes / audience

  1. To distinguish and differentiate oneself
  2. Generate self-confidence and self-knowledge
  3. Make my services or products visible
  4. Recognize passions and attributes
  5. Recognize weaknesses and threats
  6. Identify strengths and opportunities
  7. Create a personal brand strategy


MaJo García

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