Digital toolbox for places

This list contains several useful open source software. When you manage a Third Place you need an affordable solution to cover your actors’ needs and to provide high tech solutions.

Open source software is for free and it doesn’t require expensive licences, what you choose today will be available in the future with improved features, updated tools and costless support from the community.


Apache: web server

Audacity: audio editing

BigBlueButton: Open Source Virtual Classroom Software

Gimp: image manipulation and editing of pictures

Inkscape: vectorial graphics

Joomla: CMS for developing complete websites

Kdenlive: video editing

Libre Office: complete office automation suite with a visual database management software, a wordprocessor, a spreadsheet, a flowchart and graphic editor, a software for producing presentations and a formula editor.

Linux: our beloved operative system

Limesurvey: online questionnaire management system

Moodle: our favourite learning platform

MySQL, MariaDB: database management

OBS Studio: Video broadcasting and recording

OpenDocMan: document workflow management system

OScommerce: platform fo e-commerce

PHP: scripting language for web app

PostgreSQL: database management

Putty: when we are using another operative system, we are faraway of our linux boxes and we miss them, this is the tool we use to keep in contact. In other words is a SSH client for WindowsTM

R: software environment for statistical computing and graphic

SuiteCRM: Customer relationship management system

Scribus: desktop publishing

Tomcat: a Java servlet container

Ubuntu: Linux distribution for desktop computers

WordPress: CMS for blogs and webistes

Learning outcomes / audience

Learn to manage your ICT needs in an affordable way;
Improve the quality of your digital assets;
Give to people attending your activities important digital skills.

Actors and managers in Places


CEIS Reggio – Andrea Ascar

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Creative and collaborative construction of a third place

You are at the very first step of your third-place design ?

You have a place but no idea on how to use this space ?

You want to have a fun, creative and collaborative brainstorm to allow all stakeholders involved in the third-place to imagine how your place is gonna look like, and what activities will be held ? You may want to try to imagine and build your future place with the game The Sims !

The game enables you to both brainstorm and have a live visualisation of your place, to build depending on the constraints you may have. You can follow this generic scenario to ask you the right question to have a rather complete draft idea of what you want your place to look like and whichs activities implement.

Discover an example of collaborative building of an online places-3T :

In this video you can follow the development of a workshop with several participants related to the newly opened Manu Village in Vénissieux.

The starting situation is that we have several empty spaces in the Sims neighbourhood, and we want to transform them into some community space.

Site selected : old quarry – industrial wasteland
Budget drawn 250.000 simflouz (high bracket)

Quick agreement on the community garden (among other possibilities such as an art and cultural center, a learning and coworking space, a community market…)

Constraint : It is not possible to modify the building structure > should we razed the whole or go with it ? Common decision : Keep the existing building to save time.
2nd constraint : the limestone soil and pollution : need to use vegetable containers to have a good soil quality

Selection of activities :

  1. Primary activity is : community garden
    This activity leads us to the question: What to do with the harvest of the vegetable garden?
  2. Drawing of a secondary activity : After having built the garden, we wandered what to do with the production We decided to include a kitchen, to cook local products : We built a shared kitchen which could be used to prepare meals and sell them / for cooking classes / for insertion training

How to use interior space ?

  1. hall: common room / event / vegetable sale
  2. Small room: storage
  3. Upstairs room: bar or restaurant > bar

Interior design : A disagreement appeared among participants on decoration / furnishing: some wanted reused material, and others classy furnitures. We had the budget for classy so we went that way without having reached a clear consensus. The design phase allow to highlight some disagreement on the global vision of the place “atmosphere” and underlying different vision of the partners’ approach about the place. This question about the place atmosphere is also very important in terms of inclusion : who do you want to feel at ease in the place, how to facilitate the involvement of people from the surroundings ? Who lives in the neighborhood and what are their needs and habits? The question of inclusion is also obviously linked to the acessibility in material and financial terms, but for this matter you may refer to other mini cools about business plan !

Learning outcomes / audience

Draw a general idea of the place activities, build common expectations, define expected activities, have a general idea of the construction work to do and of the place expected design.



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For more information you may write to

Hybridation des tiers-lieux Partie 2

Hybridation des tiers-lieux Partie 1 : Hybridation du travail – Des nouvelles formes de travail Pour aller plus loin, consulter les analyses et résultats du projet européen “New ways of working for net zero emission” :


Learning outcomes / audience

Learning outcomes: Learn what can “digital” bring to places of third type. Learning how to develop and sustain a place-3T through hybridisation

Audience: Actors of places of third type



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Hybridisation of work

Hybrid working divides working time between the office and “at a distance”. There are several models. The health crisis has transformed the way we work and created a new desire to reconcile private and professional life.


Learning outcomes / audience

Learning outcomes: Learning how to develop and sustain a place-3T through hybridisation. Contextualising the hybridisation of work, in the framework of the hybridisation of third places.

Audience: Actors of Places-3T



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The power that can bring two sectors which a priori have nothing to do together: health and culture

Interview with Alexandra Martin, director of “Pôle Culture & Santé en Nouvelle Aquitaine”, conducted on 22 April 2022
Culture and health together, it is like in third places the alliance of different sectors of activity, frictions: getting out of the logic of sectors, broadening the field of knowledge


Learning outcomes / audience

Third place actors



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Links with the project HOPE IN US – creating a European digital third placee

Interview with Sophie Alex Bacquer, International and Innovation Officer at IRFSS Nouvelle Aquitaine (Red Cross, France), conducted on 22 April 2022.
The notion of third place has evolved a lot: third places have been closed a lot, have suffered from the COVID 19 health crisis. And at the same time we realise that third places can be in many places.


Learning outcomes / audience

Third place actors



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