Hybridisation of work

Hybrid working divides working time between the office and “at a distance”. There are several models. The health crisis has transformed the way we work and created a new desire to reconcile private and professional life.


Learning outcomes / audience

Learning outcomes: Learning how to develop and sustain a place-3T through hybridisation. Contextualising the hybridisation of work, in the framework of the hybridisation of third places.

Audience: Actors of Places-3T



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Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech

Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and co-founder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, urged graduates to pursue their dreams and see the opportunities in life’s setbacks — including death itself — at the university’s 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005.



Learning outcomes / audience

Three life stories:
– Connecting the dots
– See opportunities in life’s setbacks
– Pursue your dreams: Time is limited


Steve Jobs 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech at the university’s 114th Commencement on June 12, 2005 / YouTube / Stanford University

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Perspective of a technical manager of a Place3T

This module will provide viewers with things to think about for the technical management of a Place3T.
In a short video, LaVallée’s technical manager gives us some insight on what it means to be a technical manager in a Place 3T and provides useful tips on what to think about when on the job.



Learning outcomes / audience

The video is made for:
● Future technical managers
● Place 3T managers looking to employ a technical managers.
Viewers will learn about what consists of the very important job of “technical manager” : the day to day; what is important to think about during the job; tips and tricks on saving time and strength.



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The power that can bring two sectors which a priori have nothing to do together: health and culture

Interview with Alexandra Martin, director of “Pôle Culture & Santé en Nouvelle Aquitaine”, conducted on 22 April 2022
Culture and health together, it is like in third places the alliance of different sectors of activity, frictions: getting out of the logic of sectors, broadening the field of knowledge


Learning outcomes / audience

Third place actors



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Links with the project HOPE IN US – creating a European digital third placee

Interview with Sophie Alex Bacquer, International and Innovation Officer at IRFSS Nouvelle Aquitaine (Red Cross, France), conducted on 22 April 2022.
The notion of third place has evolved a lot: third places have been closed a lot, have suffered from the COVID 19 health crisis. And at the same time we realise that third places can be in many places.


Learning outcomes / audience

Third place actors



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Best Things On Earth Are At the Other Side of Fear

Actor Will Smith shares his experience on Skydiving with a quote of Franklin D. Roosevelt: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. Smith emphasizes the importance of coping with our own fears by coming face to face with them.


Learning outcomes / audience

Coping with your own fears by coming face to face with them.

(young) entrepreneurs


Will Smith

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How to write a Business Plan in 2023

10 Steps to write a business plan in 2023.

Step by step how to write a business plan to start your own business.
Easy Method on how to Write a business plan in 2023.

Step 1. How to write an executive summary.
Step 2. How to write business description.
Step 3. How to write operational plan.
Step 4. Organization and Management.
Step 5. Legal Structure of Business.
Step 6. Marketing and Sales Strategy of Business plan.
Step 7. Competitive Analysis.
Step 8. Unique Selling Proposition.
Step 9. Financial Plan.
Step 10. Business Advice.


Learning outcomes / audience

Step by step how to write a business plan for (young) entrepreneurs as regards how to write a business plan: Need to learn about “how to create a business plan” to grow your business strategically.


Young entrepreneurs Forum YouTube

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Domino Chain Reaction

A domino can knock over another domino about 1.5x larger than itself. 
A chain of dominos of increasing size makes a kind of mechanical chain reaction that starts with a tiny push and knocks down an impressively large domino.


Learning outcomes / audience

Small achievements can lead to big results and impacts/(young) entrepreneurs


Original idea by Lorne Whitehead, American Journal of Physics, Vol. 51, page 182 (1983)

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What is Moonshot Thinking?

Why aim for a 10% when you can aim for 10X?

Instead of a mere 10% gain, a moonshot aims for a 10x improvement over what currently exists. The combination of a huge problem, a radical solution to that problem, and the breakthrough technology that just might make that solution possible, is the essence of a moonshot.


Related miniCOOLs

Domino effect
Best things on earth are at the other side of fear


Edward Capali on YouTube

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